Getting Help With My Computer
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Getting Help With My Computer

Few things are more frustrating than computer problems, especially when you use your computer for work on a daily basis. I really dislike dealing with computer issues, which is one of the reasons I decided to learn more about computers in general. I talked to several of my friends about basic tips, and I also read a few books to learn how to troubleshoot computers. This blog is all about shopping for, choosing, troubleshooting, and repairing computers. Check out this information to make your next computer issue a breeze to figure out on your own. You might be able to save time and money.


Getting Help With My Computer

Is Your Computer Repairable?

Joy Sullivan

One of the biggest computer repair concerns people often have is whether a machine can be fixed. If you're worried about the chances your system will be repairable, here are signs that will tell you how good its chances probably are.


Generally, unexpected noises are not great things to hear from a computer, but some are worse than others. Whirring noises may just be older parts get a bit louder, but they also could be signs the cooling system is failing. They're worth having checked out.

Clicking noises are usually very bad signs. Especially in systems that have mechanical storage drives, clicks and ticks are usually indicators that a drive is dying. If you can afford to quit using the machine, stop doing so immediately. If you can't, you should make sure all of your valuable data is backed up as soon as possible. There's a strong chance the drive could fail at any time.

Sudden Shutdowns or Restarts

You also never want to see the machine suddenly quit on its own. The likely severity of the problem is usually correlated with the frequency of the shutdowns or reboots. Seeing it happen once every couple of months might be due to a major program crashing — something that's not great but not likely horrible.

Conversely, crashes occurring several times a day are likely due to failing components in the system. This is another case where you should try to get everything important backed up as soon as possible. Once that's done, stop using the machine and take it to a professional.

Program Crashes Without Shutdowns

This is likely one of the less challenging problems to address. Some programs simply need to be updated. Others might require system updates, such as fixing the video driver. Still, if you're seeing program crashes that are preventing you from making regular use of your machine, you may want to talk with a computer repair technician.


Many things can slow a system down. The most innocent explanation is that the computer simply needs to be cleaned up, meaning old and unused programs should be cleared from the system. A more worrisome scenario is that malware may be running on the computer.

Newer Programs Don't Work

This is usually a sign that the machine is getting old. Frequently, older processors lack the necessary code to run newer programs. A professional can tell you whether it might be possible to upgrade the CPU or not.

To learn more, contact a computer repair technician.
