Getting Help With My Computer
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Getting Help With My Computer

Few things are more frustrating than computer problems, especially when you use your computer for work on a daily basis. I really dislike dealing with computer issues, which is one of the reasons I decided to learn more about computers in general. I talked to several of my friends about basic tips, and I also read a few books to learn how to troubleshoot computers. This blog is all about shopping for, choosing, troubleshooting, and repairing computers. Check out this information to make your next computer issue a breeze to figure out on your own. You might be able to save time and money.


Getting Help With My Computer

5 Signs An Organization's Cyber Security Is A Mess

Joy Sullivan

Internet security solutions are essential to the success of many types of modern organizations. However, many operations are currently dealing with either non-existent or potentially sloppy cyber security solutions.

Especially if you don't have a background in IT security, you might not be sure how to tell there are problems. You can assess the problem, though, by looking for these 5 possible signs things aren't working well on the cyber security side of the operation.

No One Is in Charge of Cyber Security

If you can't name a specific person or services provider that has control of your cyber security solutions, you can assume there's a mess. To be clear, a company's IT department isn't in charge of cyber security. That applies even if someone in the IT department is muddling through doing the job. Internet security is a separate problem, and you should solve it accordingly.

Regular Notifications

Many organizations have to deal with outside parties to handle transactions and data. For example, a business might use merchant terminal services. If that business has problems on the internet security front, there's a good chance its bank will notify it of shortcomings. While notices tied to transactional systems are not unknown at organizations with tight cyber security solutions, it shouldn't be a constant drumbeat. If your services providers are concerned about the state of cyber security at your organization, then you should be, too.

Service Outages

Oftentimes, compromised systems will cause service outages. For example, a hacker might use your network to launch a denial-of-service attack against an outside target. However, the consumption of your bandwidth could send your services down, too. This might look like a typical internet outage if you don't look too closely at the situation.

Malware, Ransomware, and Spyware

Any malicious software that makes its presence known is bad news. Malicious code often runs in the background, unless an attacker wants something from you. An attack might involve closing off all your data and demanding a ransom payment, for example.

If malicious software wants you to know it's on your network, you can't ignore the problem. Even if it doesn't seem to interfere with your organization's operations, there is a risk that may happen later. Solve the problem before it gets out of hand.

Lack of Monitoring and Reporting

Finally, your systems should be monitoring potential threats and producing regular reports. If you don't receive daily updates about cyber security concerns, you can assume there are problems. Monitoring and reporting should become permanent features of your security regime.

For more information on cyber security solutions, contact a company near you.
